Friday, April 09, 2010

Very early

We have an apt this morning at 6AM to start Christine’s induction.  I just called and they have room so we will be driving there in about 40 minutes.  I have been awake since 3:45AM – can’t sleep – thank God for tea!  I will probably wake up Christine in about 20 minutes.


So I spent some time reading about ways to start labor naturally and being induced (Too many horror stories).

I do have some worries though, neither of us like the idea of having Christine induced.  We both hoped that things would just start on their own before today.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Oh! And I have a few shout-outs!

– To Grandpa (my dad) who took the boyz home last night (have fun and good luck!) – He is going to be worn out!

- To MeMa (Christine’s Mother) who has been here since LAST Friday – thank you for all the cleaning, cooking, laundry and support!

1 comment:

Lillian said...

Try not to worry about the induction too much. I've gone through it twice and the second time was a breeze. I did NOT want to be induced and was panicked but it all turned out well in the end. I'll be thinking about Christine and hoping for a smooth labor and delivery. HUGS!!!
