Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pissed and Bitter

Yes, my anger does not stir easily or often, but today I am really fired up.

There is at least one rat in our attic.  I just sealed up an open attic vent this spring.  Did they find a new way in?  Did I TRAP a rat inside the attic?  I don't know.

What I do know is that I saw this rat while in the attic today and I get angry having vermin work against me.  I am tired of crawling in the attic, I am tired of attic dust, and I am certainly tired of the idea of my house getting ruined by these creatures.  I don't mind being the handyman and doing plumbing, fixing towel racks, installing new doors, and re-wiring.

Anyway, I have vented and hopefully will see some results over the next few days (ie dead rats in traps).