Monday, June 21, 2010

CRAZY father's day

So Saturday was Nathan birthday party.  Last night I was sleeping hard, recovery from the party but was hit hard with allergies.

So in the middle of the night (3AM) I go to the medicine cabinet and pop an allergy pill.  I went back to bed and started thinking that the allergy pill was a bit larger than what I remember, so I go back to the medicine cabinet, look at the individually wrapped pill that I took, note the medical name and look it up online.

It turns out, that I took a pill for insomnia, not allergies!

So my boyz try to wake me up at 8AM, I fall out of bed and try to smile as they wish me happy father's day.  I almost fall asleep at church and have my wife drive.  Two naps and 14 hours later (5:30PM) I finally feel normal.

At least I am well rested!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Fun at the SM Elk parade!

-- Joshman

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