Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monkey Boyz!

My boyz love to climb trees. I joke with them and tell them if they spend too much time in the tree they will grow a tail.
Nathan actually walked over to some people at the park and told them to be careful when they climb trees!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Car Break-in - in SLO??!?

Today I parked on the top floor of the new parking garage in downtown SLO (the one on Palm st). I was just getting off the phone (with a detective in SB - talk about IRONY) and I left the stairs and turned to my car.

The driver's side door and trunk was open. My first thought was debating whether or not this was my car.

What was stolen? Not much - I have plenty of reason to count my blessings. Even though the trunk was opened -the tools and even a LAPTOP was left behind. Onside my car the charger to my cell phone, a Maglight, and some CDs were the victim. Not to mention my driver's side window is now out of its track since it was forced.

So I did call it in to place a police report. I guess life wasn't exciting enough!

Anyway, I thank God the car was not more damaged. I thank the Lord my client's laptop in the trunk was not stolen and I thank the Lord that this was all that happened and it was not a crime a violence.

Stay safe and lock your doors. Even in SLO Town.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

"I found a snail!"

We are enjoying the weekend at my mother in law's house - the boyz are playing around as usual and I heard my youngest son say, "I found a snail! He is going to be my best friend."

Totally hilarious - something I never want to forget. 5 minutes later I heard him say, "I stepped on him, because I do not like snails."