My son is in Cubbies, that is his age group in our Church's AWANA program. Each Tuesday night, the teacher draws a child's name and that child gets to take Cubby Bare home for the week. Well we left him in Bakersfield on our way home from my uncle's funeral (
http://www.gjfreepress.com/article/20071109/OBITUARIES/71108014). My mother-in-law mailed him back to us, but with this holiday coming up, AWANA does not start for another week, so Jacob gets to have Cubby Bear for three weeks.
Anyway, cubby bear comes with a little journal that kids use to

write what they did, and parents help out by taking photographs. Since we have Cubby Bear for three weeks, I helped make some eleborate pictures of Cubby's Amazing adventures.
As you can see, Cubby has been travelling to Europe and Egypt. Meanwhile I have been teaching my 4 year old how to use PhotoShop.